
Nielsen Ratings not for electronic publishers

Nielsen Publishers Marketplace BookScan provides unlimited searches of the BookScan US point-of-sale database. You can search by:
  • ISBN
  • Author Name
  • Title
Each title match initially presents sales numbers for the most recent week; the year-to-date; and the title's lifetime, with breakdowns for the retail and discount/other (which includes online, mass merchandisers, and specialty retailers) sales channels.
More detailed data screens show weekly sales data for up to the past 13 weeks, with breakdowns by sales channel and geographic region; DMA sales districts; and/or week-by-week sales since the book's release.
Author reports show headline sales for all of a particular author's works on a single page, in order of publication.
Weekly bestseller charts show sales figures for the top 50 or 100 titles across over 70 sub-categories. There are general lists; a dozen fiction genres; more than 40 nonfiction categories; and over 15 specific lists for categories of juvenile fiction and nonfiction.
Our special Sales Tracker lets you store up to 10 ISBNs in a single list for regular reference. (And you can upgrade your account to store more ISBNs if you wish. Regardless, you can look up and view reports for as many ISBNs as you like.)
Nielsen BookScan is the industry's only source of actual book sales, captured from the major bookselling chains, hundreds of independent booksellers, major online booksellers, mass merchandisers, grocers, and specialty and nontraditional outlets. Subscribers have access to a complete list of reporting stores.
Nielsen estimates that they capture over 70 percent of general trade print book sales in the US. They do not currently track sales of ebooks.
About the Service
Nielsen Publishers Marketplace BookScan is a data service provided jointly by Nielsen BookScan and PublishersMarketplace.com. It provides unlimited searches of the BookScan US point-of-sale database, along with special reports (revealing week-by-week sales; regional sales; DMA sales) and comprehensive author reports. The subscription also includes access to the full package of BookScan's more than 70 weekly bestsellers lists, and a "Sales Tracker" that lets you store a standing list of ISBNs to refer to regularly.
Finally, literary agents have reasonably priced access to the same comprehensive weekly sales data used by book publishers. And it comes with the same look, feel and ease-of-use as all the other data-rich resources at PublishersMarketplace.com. When you subscribe, Nielsen Publishers Marketplace BookScan is an added section of PublishersMarketplace that you'll see whenever you log in.
A few important general notes:
  • Nielsen Publishers Marketplace BookScan is available exclusively for agents (literary agents and agencies, as well as film agents and agencies)
  • Access is provided by pre-paid annual subscription only
  • You need a PublishersMarketplace.com account in your name in order to sign up for Nielsen Publishers Marketplace BookScan (but of course you have one already)
  • Each subscription covers one person only. Access will be monitored, and our ability to provide this service to the community rests on respectful compliance with the stated terms of use.
  • The price is $2,000 per year for a single subscription. There is a substantial discount for multiple users at the same agency: after the first/primary subscription, each additional user within the same is charged $400 per year.
Click here to register and request access to Nielsen Publishers Marketplace BookScan, and we'll be in touch shortly. If you have other questions, please write bookscan@publishersmarketplace.com.
Click here to see a more detailed breakdown of the features in Nielsen Publishers Marketplace BookScan.

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