
Repost from Get Rich Quick Guy

How to Make $100,000 with an Amazon Kindle Book

…with a $9.99 Kindle download price, the author sees $6.98 in revenue (Kindle Direct Publishing has a 70/30 revenue split in most major territories, including the United States. Amazon takes 30%, you get 70%. They wire the money into your bank account about 60 days after the month in which a sale occurs. Pretty solid.)
This means an independent content creator or well-respected blogger need only sell 14,327 copies to earn slightly more than $100,000 in royalties. Or, in other words, he or she need only sell 39 copies per day to hit the $100K mark within a year.
Convincing 39 readers a day to check out your book on Kindle isn’t very hard to do, especially if your blog has 10,000+ daily readers and a substantial added following in the form of a sporadic opt-in newsletter and RSS subscribers.
Of course note the “Popular” blogger or YouTube personality.
But even if you’re not popular and you just check out the kind of books that sell on Kindle, you can start making money … I just wouldn’t price it at $9.99 unless you’d be willing to pay that much yourself.

It only costs your time to try… what have you got to lose if you love writing anyway?
I would only say that though it’s free (except for your time) to write, if you want a good chance to make money on Kindle, I would invest in a decent graphic for the book’s cover … people DO try to tell what’s in a Kindle book by the way it’s cover looks, not just the description. So some investment in a decent cover could pay for itself!

1 comment:

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