
New Comedy Troupe

Comedy Pilots

Personal Message:

Yes, its a story about the Iphone and football.

One day, Jimmy opens up his new smart phone and sees a picture of himself in high school in 1969, and then the phone rings....the number is 666-1969....He answers...

One day, Jimmy opens up his new smart phone and sees a picture of himself in high school in 1969, and then the phone rings....the number is 666-1969....He answers...

Jim Bailey buys a new smart phone and notices something strange right away. Pictures appear on the screen and he figures it is just his daughter Zoe who is sending him pictures from Facebook or something. 

He calls her and she says she will look at his phone when she comes over as she is a computer wiz; so she sets him up with a home screen, a ringtone, and puts in all the phone numbers and links he needs.

Then, he gets a call. A picture of himself in 1969 comes on screen from when he was in high school, and a strange number appears 666 – 1969.
He answers.

Suddenly he is in 1969 playing a high school football game just about to get tackled unless he throws the ball. He spots the number of the tight end and tosses a 5o yard pass, completion, to his his buddy Vic. Jim is the Quarterback for his high school.

After he throws the ball, the hologram of Jim and the football field disappears and he is back in his yard, sitting by the pool with his dog, Louie.

He is freaked out.
He dials 911 and lands in a hologram at his brother’s fire department. His brother, Bill, looks concerned.

"What r u doing here?"
"I don’t know…"

Jim’s brother Joe Bailey is concerned and brings him inside the house to check him out, paramedic style.

"I’m fine, I tellya! I just went to Rosedale and was playing football in high school and -"
"So, you were having a flashback?"
"Um, yeah, no…I was really there."
"Yeah, okay, what are you smoking?"
"Nothing, I haven’t smoked anything  - yet! Ok, ok, I’m fine, I’m gonna go home, except
I don’t know how I got here."
"There’s your car."


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