
Edit Your Life

 Edit Your Life became my theme song when I was in Journalism school and decided to 'omit all unnesscary words' as directed by EB White and Strunck in Elements of Style, the bible of good writing. I come from a very wordy, Irish Catholic family where stories were embellished until I firmly believed I had a great aunt who perished on the Titanic, Frankenstein actor Peter Boyle was a relative, and we were descended from tinkers, troubadours, and coffin makers: well you get the picture. Just the facts, Mamm, just the facts! 

Truth, Justice, and the American Way! Or just the truth. Get to the point. Be succinct. Don't use ten dollar words like succinct. Keep it simple, stupid. So Edit your Life became a way of life as I entered the social networking world although I'm decidedly anti social (I'm not really here, just visiting, pretend you don't see me) and knew I would excel at this since I was trained to write



Sound bytes (sfx) ssssshhhhhh...

and was web savvy and even forsake cable channels to pay for my internet. (I still get all infomercials, though) but I digress.  

Editing is one of those sacred cows in the world of language where if we were all good at it, there would be peace in the world. Kathy Griffin would have said, "Suck it, God," instead of "Suck it, Jesus" and it would have gotten more of a laugh, and twitter would be more about 'communiques' instead of witless twitter. 

This twitter began as 

Guilty as charged, I love the NJ Housewives/Guidos, as the others pale in comparison.  when Twitter Editor said 22 words OVER! Whoa? What ME Wordy? 
I'm wordy?

Guilty! Love NJ Guidos! others PALE... Real Housewives Husband Joe Giudice Arrested - omg! news on Yahoo! http://yhoo.it/ecQGTX

just had to retweet this..
Language evolves.Today we change AP style from e-mail to email, no hyphen. Our editors will announce it at #ACES2011 today.

So, retweet this please, you twits.

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