
Kurt Vonnegut, my JK Rowling...

I have a saying when life and stuff gets too big, I say I must collapse the universe...obviously something I stole from quantum mechanics and/or zero based budgeting . Theory explained below, but my friend responded with this:


The language in Kurt Vonnegut's, Cat's Cradle...
Cat's Cradle. Kurt Vonnegut (Penguin Essentials) 

and I clicked on the wikipedia and nostalgia wafted thru...
I sighed and recalled 
how back in the 70s heretofore known as the 60s with a hangover, 
Vonnegut was our generation's JK Rowling,
his characters and books, our Harry Potter...
He was so in tune with the political phasing
and registration that took place that he became a cult figure
and had to go into hiding. Well in NYC
but kids stalked him, since I met a few...

and, like that other favorite author of mine, 
Joseph Heller, his political satire was scintillating,
grievous, and of course, black comedy.
Slaughterhous Five Slaughterhouse-Five: A Novel 
written about his days in Dresden during the war, written against
the war in VietNam captured the kids of the 60s and 70s
as much as Catch 22 Catch-22  
and both became a must read...

Apparently, my collapsing the universe came from this theory 
reprint below...
and Quantum Mechanics...

It IS true, a little knowledge is dangerous

Implications of Zero Space
By Rich Littlefield
Having struggled for years to narrow down this idea which I call “Zero Space.”. I have been unable to complete the detailed version of this, because it would require a level of understanding I do not possess at least at this time. I have written this short overview to cover key points and some interesting possibilities.
Also in previous papers I spent time explaining the mechanics of it. I also spent time
drawing hypothetical models of how the mechanics might work. The problem was that it
was two dimensional representation of what is happening in 5 dimensions of more.

I have come to realize that it took me a long time to be able to visualize things in the
world of more than three dimensions. Those mechanics depend on the addition of more
dimensions or they do not make sense. People seemed to get fixated and stuck on that
issue, so I am leaving it out. Not that such models are not useful, but they are
hypothetical and as such end up being a distraction.

Keep in mind that when I refer to the zero in zero space it is the hypothetical zero, in that
anything smaller than a Planck’s length is equivalent to zero. I named it that for lack of a
better description. When I fist realized that it was a powerful force in nature it seemed to
describe it perfectly. The more I realize about it though the more I realize that it is only
descriptive from a three dimensional point of view. This paper will go into other
dimensions where “zero” space is not a good description of it.

As you may know Paul Durac was the physicist / mathematician who many credit with
laying the groundwork for Quantum Mechanics. For example it was he who first
proposed the existence of positrons, not that he observed them but he predicted them

While few people know anything about Durac, fewer people know that Durac made all of
his predictions, which turned out to be correct, by using a concept. The concept was
simple, that space would collapse upon itself, if it were not being held open. He proposed
that space was being held open by free floating neutral electrons.

In other words electrons became electrons once they were charged, not being charged
they would sit in neutrality and hold open space. All of space being comprised of this
then, I believe it is called the “Durac’s Sea”. Now I had come up the a similar almost
identical conclusion, by extrapolating from E=mc2 a formula supposedly in contradiction
with Quantum. So when I heard Durac had the same idea 90 years ago, I was interested in
why the idea had vanished.

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