
The Abyss of Madness by George Atwood, PhD

A noted Professor of Psychology at Rutgers U. says in his book...." My first seriously challenging patient, a young woman I met almost 40 years ago, believed with all her heart that she was a part of the Holy Trinity and that she was one with God.  Her story is given in the first chapter of Abyss of Madness.  She and I, over the tumultuous course of our early relationship, came to an understanding of her situation as centrally relating to a catastrophe that had occurred in her childhood: the sudden suicide of her beloved father.  I saw how the tragic loss had bisected her youth into before and after, into father and no father.  As our shared journey continued and her healing began, I became witness to a gradual smoothing out of the traumatic bifurcation with the emergence of feelings of furious rage, of heartbreaking sorrow, of annihilating invalidation.  At some point along the way – I cannot say precisely when – it dawned on me that in looking at her life I was also seeing an image of my own.  You see, my childhood also was divided into a before and an after, the separation caused by the sudden death of my mother when I was a young boy.  In coming to the tragedy that had disastrously affected my patient’s development, I had been returned to the tragedy of my own.  In witnessing her slow healing and recovery, in turn, my own healing – continuing down to the present day – had a chance to begin.   The great German philosopher-historian Wilhelm Dilthey famously proclaimed that in the study of persons in the so-called human sciences, all understanding is a matter of “the rediscovery of the I in the Thou.”  It follows from this elegant idea, to my mind anyway, that in the discovery of the Thou, we find a mirror in which our own souls are made visible."

and I thought yes, it all comes down to Soul Control.

We are all mad
and we are all sane
but the tools of psychology can pave the way out of
the Abyss of Madness


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